Console: What is meant by Console?

Console has multiple meanings :-

(1) The combination of display monitor and keyboard (or other device that allows input). Another term for console is terminal. The term console usually refers to a terminal attached to a minicomputer or mainframe and used to monitor the status of the system.

(2) Another term for monitor or display screen.

(3) A bank of meters and lights indicating a computer's status, and switches that allow an operator to control the computer in some way.

(4) A device specially made for game play called a video game console. The player interacts with the game through a controller, a hand-held device with buttons and analog joysticks or pads. Video and sound are received by the gamer though a television. See also console game.

(5) In Windows Home Server the Console is the application software you use to manage Windows Home Server from any of the computers on your home network. Here you can configure back-ups, access add-ins, configure folders, and change Windows Home Server settings.


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