Laura Bush killed a guy

Laura Bush Killed a Guy?
As the Bush family prepares to pack their bags and head back to Texas, some of the retrospectives have been looking at both George W Bush and wife Laura Bush’s pasts, and some media reports and an episode of The Family Guy mentioned the fact that Laura Bush killed a guy.

It’s a sad story, but also completely true: First Lady Laura Bush did kill a guy, although a very long time ago.

In 1963 when then 17, Laura Bush ran a stop sign in a crash that killed a friend in another car. Some reports say it was her then boyfriend in the other car. The police report was released in 2000, and noted that Laura wasn’t charged with a crime for the death.

“It was a terrible, terrible thing,” she said. “I know this as an adult, and even more as a parent, it was crushing … for the family involved and for me as well.”

Laura Bush killed a guy,Laura Bush

The big question though is why she wasn’t charged way back then. Perhaps the rich got even better treatment in Texas back in 63.

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